Jesus Christ is greater than....
*the angels..they are His servants
*Moses. Moses was a faithful servant, Jesus was his Son.
*Prophets. God speaks through prophets, but Jesus Christ is the heir, the creator, and the exact image of the Father.
*High Priests of the Law of Moses - he was a High Priest of Melchizedek.
*The tabernacle service and traveling of Israel out of Egypt is symbolic of Him. Bible Dictionary: "The tabernacle service was symbolic (or a shadow) of the real events: (a) The high priest under the law went through the veil into the Holy of Holies; but Jesus, the great high priest, has gone into heaven itself (b) The traveling of Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness, crossing over the Jordan River into the promised land, is similar to a man forsaking the worldly things, going through the wilderness of temptation, and finally passing through the veil of death into the celestial kingdom (D&C 84:21–24; see also Alma 37:38–45).
Hebrews 1: He made the worlds. He is the first begotten son. He is the appointed heir of all things.
Hebrews 2: Our Salvation is made perfect through his sufferings. He suffered temptation so that he may succor us during our temptation.
Hebrews 4: He has grace to help us in time of need.
Alma 7: He suffered pain, afflictions, and temptations of every kind so that he may take upon the pains and the sicknesses of people. He will take upon death in order to loose the bands of death which bind us all. His bowels will be filled with mercy for us.
D&C 122: He descended below us all.